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The Tamatane Project 

Written in 2002 for 'Arts Online'

In 2001 Kerry  Lynch  the  H.O.D. of  Drama  at  Otahuhu  College  and  12  of  his  senior  pupils  presented  an  original  production  titled  Tamatane  in  China. Otahuhu  College  is  the  largest  decile  1  school  in  New  Zealand.  This  article   documents  their  remarkable  story  and  it  offers  some  insights  into  the  Devising  process  of  a  bi-cultutral/multi-cultural  production.


In November of the year 2000, I received a phone call from Steve Bradshaw who had been recently appointed as an Arts Officer for the Auckland City Council. Steve asked whether my students and I would be interested in doing some performance work for the council in 2001. I immediately said yes to Steves proposal and explained to him that we had just  taken a show over to the North Shore and that we  were keen to do  more of the same .In response to this Steve said "Great , your first gig will be in May, it will be in China! and all expenses will be paid".
This somewhat surreal conversation marked the beginning of what I have called the Tamatane Project. This project had a research/conceptual period in January and February, a rehearsal period between March and the middle of May and a tour of China from May the 16-23rd. Following our  performances in China, Tamatane was  performed on 13 other occasions to audiences in greater Auckland. 

© Kerry Lynch 2024

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