Harbouring Ghosts - Video Gallery
These opening scenes establish the Ghosts as the Chorus and the key members of the Gordon family. In Scene 2, Tara Benton is pursued by Mick Rose in the early 1960’s. Scene 3 is set in the present time, it introduces the two Granddaughters Jessie and Simone and their superstitious Mother.
Link to the Youtube file: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWjnL6r72q8
Mick Rose demonstrates his gift as a teller of ghost stories. Set in his lodgings, he entertains a small audience by telling them his version of the Orpheus disaster which occurred in the Manukau Harbour in 1863. It remains New Zealand’s worst Maritime tragedy.
Link to the Youtube file: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TI2k40vvgbY
Mick and Tara dance into the early hours following her first public performance as a singer. Their private conversation and thoughts are witnessed by the Ghosts.
Link to the Youtube file:
The past and the present begin to collide. Tara and Mick embark on a significant journey. Meanwhile Jessie and Simone force Mum to share what she knows of the family secret concerning their Grandparents.
Link to the Youtube file:
A desperate Mick Rose haunts Jessie's dream, as he fears that his Granddaughter may never perform a song that is of great importance to both himself and his family.
Link to the Youtube file:
Here are the lyrics and music for the song My Only Obsession which is performed at the end of the play. Music by Gerald van Waardenberg, Lyrics by Kerry Lynch. © 1999.
Link to the Youtube file: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ePUgh58M8g